5091 Lula Lake Rd, Lookout Mountain, GA 30750
Celebrate a new year and new beginnings with us! The 2024 Polar Plunge is the ONE day out of the entire year we allow the public to swim in Lula Lake. It’s a tradition to bring good luck in the year to come!
The 3-mile fun run through our Preserve leads you to the launch point at Lula Lake. We’ll help you out to the launching point in the lake and countdown. Then you’ll jump into the cleansing water to rid any bad luck for a new year. Chattanooga Whiskey spiked (or not) hot cider, hot cocoa, and beer will be provided. Be bold and dare to take the plunge into the freezing waters of Lula Lake or take a fun run before you take a dip!
Note: This is not a timed race with winners – this is a fun run. You’re welcome to only run or jump, whatever makes you feel brave!
Ticket proceeds benefit Lula Lake Land Trust and its conservation initiatives.
* Check-in starts at 10:00 AM ET, and the Fun Run will begin at 10:30 AM ET. Course length 3 miles~.
* If you’re only jumping, you will check in at 10:00 AM ET and hike the .75-mile down to the lake – so don’t be late!
* Bring a towel and change of clothes and a blanket!
* Runners: Please put anything you want for the polar plunge in a bag and we will shuttle it to the lake while you are running.
* Changing tents and warm beverages will be provided. Towels and blankets will NOT be provided by Lula Lake.
Questions? Please email [email protected].