City of LaFayette Parks and Rec would like to remind everyone that the evaluations will take place in the gym, so please wear tennis shoes and bring a glove. No cleats please.
ATTENTION VOLLEYBALL PARENTS/GUARDIANS...There have been some changes to the City of LaFayette Parks and Rec volleyball evaluation schedule. Please view the schedule below for updated date and time.The...
Due to the forecast of rain through Thursday, soccer evaluations have been relocated to the Lowell Greene Gym at 301 Webb Wheeler Rd. The schedule is as follows:Tuesday, 2/11
6U - 5:30PM
8U - 6:30PMThursday, 2/13
10U - 5:30PM
12U - 6:30PM4U Soccer will not have evaluations. They...
Walker County Commissioners tabled a scheduled vote Thursday night for approving an intergovernmental agreement with the City of Rossville, after city officials suspended a non-profit managing the department over financial concerns last month.Three citizens spoke out on the topic in Thursday's public forum session,...
The City of LaFayette's Parks and Recreation Department is looking for two individuals to fill a part-time front desk position. Individuals will be required to supervise the facility, perform nightly closing duties, answer phones, process registrations and building rentals. Hours are typically 4 p.m.-7...
Over the Mother's Day weekend, the City of LaFayette Parks and Recreation hosted the "Mother's Day Bash Baseball Tournament" for rec league teams. The winners of the 5 and 6 year old tournament were the Chickamauga Smokies, with the LaFayette Ramblers coming in just...