The Walker County Board of Commissioners has porposed to roll back the millage rate. The move is to help balance taxes associated with higher property values. According to the county property values have increased 30% in Walker County. Public hearings on the millage rate will take place. August 10th at 8am at the Walker County Civic Center, also at 6:30pm on the 10th. This meeting will be at the Walker County Courthouse Annex III. A final meeting is set for Thursday August 24th at 7pm at the Walker County Courthouse Annex III.
School is back in session today in Walker County. Watch out for buses and children in school zones. Expect heavier than usual traffic today.
Fort Oglethorpe police are trying to identify three women wanted for shoplifting. You can see the full story and view the surveliance photo on our website at Discover Walker dot com.
A police chase that started in Alabama ended in Dade County yesterday morning. A stolen care was racing from Dekalb County deputies on Highway 11 when the suspect headed into Dade County. Dade County authorities set up spike strips near Edgewood Baptist Church in Trenton. The strips hit all four of the suspects tires. Dade County police say the suspect has multiple charges pending from both Dekalb County and Dade County.