The city of LaFayette will hold a special election on March 18th. Voters will decide who gets to fill the vacant Ward 1 City Council seat. That seat came open when Councilman Beacher Garmany passed. Qualifying take place January 21-23 at the Walker County Courthouse. The qualifying fee is $108. Early voting runs February 24 – March 14. Election Day is March 18th. Polls will be open on election day from 7am-7pm.
Walker County Chairwoman Angie Teems has named Curtis Creekmur as Walker County Emergency Management and 911 Director. Creekmur has been the Deputy Director for the last 8 years. Creekmur has been with the county since 1992 when he was hired as a dispatcher and 911 system administrator.
Georgia House Speaker Jon Burns has told Northwest Georgia State Senator Colton Moore he will not be allowed to attend a joint session today. Senator Moore, of Dade County, says he’s going. Moore says “Speaker Jon Burns is attempting to ARREST and BLOCK me from representing the 53rd District at tomorrow’s State of the State joint session. “This corrupt move is an attempt to silence your voice and mine.” Burns says unless Moore apologizes to former Speaker David Raulston, the reason for his disallowment from House Chambers, he’ll remain barred from entering.
Coming up tomorrow night LaFayette hosts Ridgeland in girls and boys’ basketball. It’s Rec League night. All players from LaFayette and Rock Spring rec league will be recognized. All players who wear their jersey can get in free. The teams will be called out and recognized between the boys and girls games.