Rep. Steve Tarvin Named Chairman of the House Budget and Fiscal Affairs Oversight Committee


Representative Tarvin (Chickamauga) represents the citizens of District 2, which includes portions of Catoosa, Walker and Whitfield counties and has been named Chairman of the House Budget and Fiscal Affairs Oversight Committee. The Budget and Fiscal Affairs Oversight Committee is responsible for holding hearings to monitor the spending programs within the state’s budget.

“I am very honored to have the opportunity to serve the fine people of Georgia as chair of this committee,” said Rep. Tarvin. “We of the Budget and Fiscal Affairs Oversight Committee will work to ensure our great state continues to maintain one of lowest costs of state government per capita in the nation for our citizens.”

He was first elected to the House of Representatives in 2014 and currently serves as Chairman of the Budget and Fiscal Affairs Oversight Committee. He also serves on the Appropriations Subcommittee on General Government, Defense and Veterans Affairs, Game, Fish and Parks, Insurance, Retirement and Small Business Development committees.