From The Walker County Board of Education:
Vacant Board Seat Process
Post 4-Stacey Meeks
January 22, 2025
Mr. Stacey Meeks was elected for the open School Board Seat in Post 4 in November. Mr. Meeks will be moving to another area of the county, officially vacating that post, and will not be eligible to serve. Based on State law, the Board must appoint someone within 45 days of the resignation and use the following procedure to fill this vacant position:
1. Interested individuals contact the central office and provide the address of their primary residence.
2. Administrative Assistant (Ms. Janet Cobb) contacts the local Elections Office and provides the address for residency verification and eligibility to serve in the vacant Post.
3. Interested individuals are then contacted and either thanked for their interest but do not reside in the open Post or provided with an interview time according to a developed schedule.
4. The Superintendent facilitates this process which involves the meeting date and time, the schedule of interviews, the packet that includes board-developed questions and the associated rubric for scoring purposes, a copy of the roles and responsibilities of a board member, and the logistics associated with the meeting and interview.
5. The board will choose the appropriate candidate and will vote after the final interviews. The Superintendent makes contact with them sharing the information and detailing their next steps.
6. The selected candidate will serve until someone is elected at the next general election to fill the remaining term of Mr. Meeks.
After the final list of eligible candidates is completed, each person will be contacted about an interview date and time with the Board. The deadline to express interest in this vacant board seat is Friday, January 31, 2025.
Thank you for your interest in Walker County Schools and potentially serving as a board of education member.