WQCH and Georgia 93.7 Local News Headlines

The US Department of Interior-National Park Service has awarded a grant to Walker County.  The money will go toward the third phrase of Walker Rocks Park.  The next phase will include an expansion of the new inclusive playground that opened this summer.  There will also be two Pickell Ball courts and other additions.  The estimated costs of the project is $566,000.  Construction on the playground expansion should start early next year, followed by the Pickel Ball courts.
The sewer redirection project continues in Walker County this week.  North Long Hollow Road between Osburn Road/Lytle Road and Highway 27 will be closed starting today for the next 9 to 13 weeks.
We could see record high temperatures this week starting tomorrow through Friday.  Temperatures will be at or near 100 all week.  Thursday’s temp is expected to be in the triple digits with the heat index making it even hotter.  Stay hydrated and try to avoid extended time outside this week.  Keep it on Georgia 93-7 for the latest weather updates.
The latest restaurant health inspections shows high marks in Walker County.  The LaFayette Sonic scored a 93.  Jack’s Family Restuarant in Chickamauga made a 100.  The Great Wall in Chickamauga got a 97.  It’s a 91 for Phil’s Primetime Pizza in Chickamauga.